Yoshiaki Honda

Roleplay Character on Sagittarius Server (Final Fantasy XIV).

I play a traditional Raen Samurai, upholding the values of the Bushido and walking on a path of moral righteousness and Hingan customs and ethics. Yoshiaki tends to be rigidly serious, stoic and tremendously honour-bound, but he fully lacks egotistical haughtiness and pride. Completely the contrary of a social party animal, he is a demure and courteous soul who often forgets to smile. If he does, it's often just circumstancial courtesy. A heart-felt smile from him is a rarity.However, he can be a curious type too. Having spent many months in Eorzea helped thawing part of the prejudiced ice he felt towards foreigners and made him slightly more sociable. One might notice Yoshiaki feels comfortable with them when he asks questions about their lives and shows interest in creating an engaging conversation overall.

Everything and anything that is Eastern-themed is absolutely welcome! (I do plan to RP as much as possible in Kugane, Shirogane and Yanxia!) It is what all of his character revolves around, in the most lore-abiding and authentic way. Of course, this doesn't mean that all the rest loses value. All the contrary, I'd like for him to experience all shades and colours of Hydaelyn and the people inhabiting it!


Honourary TitleNationality & AgePersonal Facts
Samurai Master & Teacher (open for apprentices)Hingan, 33Currently deployed abroad for reasons unknown to the public
First Samurai of Clan HondaBorn and raised in ShishuStraight & Monogamous


‘The Song of the Sea’
Yoshiaki’s katana long sword. Crafted by the Onishisu -collective of skilled craftsmen, who guard their ancestral techniques with the utmost secrecy - it was gifted to him by his father, Honda no Kazuhiro, on the day of his fifteenth birthday upon successfully completing his first military campaign. Yoshiaki has been carrying Umi-no-Uta ever since.

‘The Voice of the Sea’
Yoshiaki’s wakizashi short sword. Paired with the katana, it forms the daishō — literally "big-little"— a term for a matched pair of traditionally made Eastern swords worn by the samurai class. It was gifted alongside Umi-no-Uta.

Kate-bukuroA provisions bag made of twisted paper strings within the style of fine basketwork, carried on the right side of the waist. It can carry food or medicaments. Also a cloth to clean the blood off the weapon's blade, nuguigami (blade cleaning paper made from rice) and a small jar of choji oil for blade maintanance.

Buyōkiseru smoking pipeA smoking pipe about 16 inches long. Its metal ends makes it a suitable impromptu self-defence weapon in emergencies. It can be easily carried in an obi without raising suspicion.

Kizami tobaccoA finely chopped tobacco for the kiseru pipe. It is so finely shredded, it resembles hair.

Bandages + Disinfectant VialA long strip of cloth meant to be wrapped around a wounded part of someone's body to protect or support it. It comes with a disinfectant liquid.

out of character

Will DoWon't Do
Dark / Mature / Gritty / Harrowing Themes.Uncalled for Character Death (Yours or mine).
Full OOC Communication.OOC Attachment and/or Harrassment.
Realistic & Fair IC Combat.Powergaming / Metagaming in any whatsoever form.

TIPS FOR THE ROLEPLAY PARTNER:Yoshiaki works very well with characters such as:- Bright, positive, chatty personalities. Being he on the taciturn side, he needs an opposite element to create a responsive dynamic and take him out of his shield of silence.
- Good hearted characters. If your character is genuinely altruistic and prone to help others, they will find a man in deep agreement in Yoshiaki - if not a friend and an ally.
- Young and lost adults in need of a moral guide. Yoshiaki has a wise, fatherly and patient personality at times. Under the right circumstances, he could fulfill the role of a guide for anyone in need of a point of reference in life.
- Eastern characters (Hingan or Doman). Sharing a continent and a culture can help affinity between people. Yoshiaki appreciates immensely the company of Far Easterners, in particular if they are traditional and loyal to their nation.
Yoshiaki does not work well with characters such as:- Broody, silent introverts. Unfortunately, as much as these mysterious fellows can be fascinating, there would be mostly silence and lack of interaction between the two parts. Being too similar here is a downside, not a plus. The two characters would not stimulate each other.
- Loud, arrogant, noisy disrespectful people. Characters like that can be a nice challenge to most, but to Yoshiaki, they are tiresome and nauseating. He would excuse himself and not waste a moment longer in their presence.
- Pestering types. Those who keep following him around and force their presence upon him can awake his curiosity, but if they cross the line, they would meet his full rejection. Constantly invading his space makes him want to cut ties right away.
- Criminals. It doesn't matter who they are or where they come from, criminals are the polar opposite of what he stands for. There is no chance for a connection, if not to stop them in their intent.


I come from the European timezone (GMT), generally my gaming hours range between 5 PM est to 11 PM CET.What I am looking for is possibly lore-abiding roleplay, since I am a keen follower of it - but this doesn't mean I do not tolerate other players' creativity and initiatives! I reckon myself to be an endlessly patient and non-judgemental person who can go leaps and bounds around everything to find solutions and explanations to problems.I carry on my own roleplay while keeping firmly in mind that this is just a wonderful hobby and while I might uphold some "rigid standards of quality and realism" for myself, I watch myself from judging others and what they do. "Live and let live" is what I go by.I have absolutely no problems in talking and befriending people OOCly, it has already happened before and it made our roleplay experience all the more fun, richer and engaging.

Clan Honda

The kamon - family crest - of Clan Honda.
The ocean's rolling waves express the deep connection Clan Honda has with the water and everything related to the sea, since they first settled into the east coast of Shishu, in the middle of the Age of Blood.

Clan Honda is a fictional Clan made up by me, for the sake of storytelling. It adds flavour to Yoshiaki's story, but I don't mean it to be Lore-disruptive in any way. You can acknowledge the existence of Clan Honda, or not acknowledge it. All is fine.
Clan Honda is a moderately well-known. wealthy Clan of Samurai warriors and seafarers, in Kugane and on the East coast of Shishu. They have mixed ranks of Samurai fighters and artisans, and while a branch of the Honda Clan has representatives in Kugane, the true roots and the seat of power of the Clan are born by the sea shores.
The Clan owns a small (and lore-wise insignificant) portion of the Hingashi Eastern coastline, giving them a small monopoly on the fish market.
Alongside open sea fishing, they also practice underwater horticulture. If you are Kugane-born, it's likely that you have eaten the bounty of the sea fished by the Honda Clan's fishers, at some point in your life.
Clan Honda nurtures large respect for the Bakufu, the Mitsurugi Clan and Emperor Reigen. Also, the Clan openly retains a heavy isolationist and nationalistic political mindset.


An approximate number of thirty villages live and thrive under the dominion of Clan Honda on the eastern shore of Shishu island, alongside numerous small local businesses. The places and resources listed below are locations of interests.Kudamatsu-shi: The main port town in the territory of Clan Honda. It is the busiest hub of pelagic commerce of the territory and from here depart most commercial ships sailing to the Near East and Eorzea. It is also Yoshiaki's birthplace.Toyama-shi: Toyama is a town of artisans. The peculiarity of this place is represented by the congregation of skilled craftsmen who took residence here and put their weaponsmithing, armorsmithing and carpentry expertise to the service of the land owners.Zangetsu-tei: ‘Morning Moon Arbour’ it is one of the most prominent tea houses in the territory. It is rumoured to having existed since ever before the Clan settled into the coastline, during the Age of Blood. It is the place where Honda no Kikyo, Yoshiaki’s sister, began her training as maiko.Mokurai-an: ‘Silent Thunder Hut’. A tea house bordering on the fringes of Clan Honda’s inland territory. It is rumoured that through time it lost its’ quality standards and became a place of decadent, cheap entertainment.Kōdōkan Dojo: Literally translated as "a place for the study of the way." The Kōdōkan is most prestigious Dojo of the territory. It is a place of learning, meditation and practice of several martial arts. Local traditions see a yearly tournament sponsored by Clan Honda being hosted in here, to gauge the presence of new promising young warriors.Suijin Jinja: ‘The Shrine of the God of Water’. It is a sacred shrine dedicated to a wide variety of mythological and magical creatures found in lakes, ponds, springs, and wells, including serpents (snakes, dragons, eels, fish, turtles), and the flesh-eating kappa. The people of Clan Honda’s territory as well as the Clan members themselves go on several pilgrimages to visit it, pray and offer gifts, every few moons.Salt Mines: Close to the coast, one may find salt mines and saltworks. A special variety of salt is extracted, called ‘Blue Salt’. Its’ preciousness lies in the quality of conserving foods for a longer time without altering its taste in sapidity and keeping an extraordinary degree of freshness.Rice Paddies: In-land one might find a tapestry of rice paddies cultivated by the local inhabitants, although they do not represent a subject of large trade. The rice production is enough to satisfy the residents' demand only.15 Commercial Ships: These ships represent the main vessel for Clan Honda to deliver their products all over Othard and even outside. Salt and sea-products are the main exports.War Ships: It is rumoured that Clan Honda possesses an undefined number of battleships, although nobody knows where they might be located. They cannot be openly seen on the shores.Underwater Horticulture Fields: The practice of underwater farming has been carried on by Clan Honda since centuries. Thanks to their underwater greenhouses, it is a zero-impact food production with a year-round harvest from the ocean. Vegetables, sea-weed, fruits but also oysters, clams and scallops find their home here. Not only do these ocean farms produce large amounts of food, they also mimic coral reefs and help in the process of regeneration and restoration of sea life.


Honda no Kikyo - Yoshiaki's younger sister. Currently a maiko, her bright personality and stunning allure make her widely appreciated in the world of entertainment.
Lately, she has started travelling by Yoshiaki's side in a bright-eyed journey driven to world discovery.
WANTED PC:- Old Friends from Hingashi - Be them little friends from childhood, sparring mates, neighbours or whatever else, I would love for Yoshiaki to have contacts that go way back in time in his life. Of course, we would discuss the details of how they met and what characterised the relationship between Yoshiaki and your character.- Travelling Companions - This role is open for just about anyone. No matter where your character comes from, or who they are, if they share the same moral righteousness as Yoshiaki, this should make the collaboration as smooth as oil. If they are grey-aligned trouble-makers, this might complicate things... But that's the beauty of it, right?- Political Allies - In an age of endless war and strife around the world, it is wise to maintain good relationships with several households of the East - and even beyond. Friendship is not always mandatory, but honour and mutual respect are. All Clans willing to establish a beneficial tie with Clan Honda are as precious as they are sought after.NPC:
Honda no Kazuhiro - Yoshiaki's father and current head of Clan Honda. A wise and severe man who always lived with quiet ambition. He trained his own sons under the code of Bushido since early childhood.
Honda no Akane - Yoshiaki's mother. A traditional Hingan aging woman, fully dedicated to the arts of painting and calligraphy. She retains a sweet demeanor, but stays close-minded towards foreigners.Honda no Tetsuya - Yoshiaki's older brother and ex main antagonist of his storyline. He was a man with a deranged mind and several personality disorders that made him ruthless and deceitful. Thoroughly considered a disgrace to the family. He died about 1 year ago, at the end of the Story Arc that involved his latest wrongdoings.Honda no Daisuke - The youngest of the Honda siblings. A teenaged boy with a lot of energy and combat drive. Daisuke is popular among his peers for often winning athletic/sport competitions.
He feels large admiration for his older brother Yoshiaki.


I paid my own money for the artworks you see and I paid them well. They are my property and they are not for you to use under any circumstances whatsoever.
If you want artworks for your own character, grab your wallet and contact an artist just like I did. It's a matter of fairness and respect.

A traditional portrait of Yoshiaki

General Yoshiaki Artworks

Commissioned Artwork of Yoshiaki's Tattoos. (Front)

Commissioned Artwork of Yoshiaki Honda.

Commissioned Artwork of Yoshiaki's Tattoos. (Back)

Yoshiaki smoking his kiseru pipe

A meditating Yoshiaki by a tranquil lake in Hingashi

Yoshiaki during his travels through the East.

About 20 years ago, a near-adolescent Yoshiaki sulking in consequence of a scolding received by his father, at the end of a training session.

Adult Yoshiaki

Artist: Deathlyhearts#9904